My Roots/ My Values

 My Roots/ My Values

This session allows participants to identify and illustrate their personal values, and values that are influence by peers, family, and culture. During the activity, youth are asked to identify these peers or others who supports their values. Participants may struggle with identifying their support systems, or their community. This resource below can be done before the activity to help youth ground and visually see who their community is.

The Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective created this Pod Mapping Worksheet, which was adapted by members of Queenie’s Crew, as a way for people to identify their pods; or the people they would call on if violence, harm or abuse happened to them, or the people they would call on if they wanted support in taking accountability for violence, harm, or abuse that they have done; or if they witnessed violence or if someone they care about was being violent or being abused. This tool helps young people in identifying the people and places in their community that can support them. This worksheet can be used in the activity if young people are struggling to identify their ‘branches,’ or who influences or supports their values. It is also a helpful preparation for Activity 10: Rippling Out as the young people illustrate the change they would like to see in their relationships and their community.