Irreplaceable You

 Irreplaceable You


This session asks participants to receive and give affirmations to one another during the warm-up activity. It can feel awkward to accept kind words from others without responding, as the activity is meant to focus on sharing rather than having a dialogue. It could be helpful to share the importance of vulnerability and treating ourselves with compassion with the participants to support their receiving of affirmations. Vulnerability is an important part of forming healthy, nurturing relationships and self-compassion allows us the space to be compassionate to others.


Worksheet from the Centre for Clinical Intervention in Western Australia entitled Assert Yourself: How to Give and Receive Compliments Assertively. This worksheet includes space to work through the difficulty of giving and receiving compliments. It also helps young people to develop more assertive responses by uncovering and challenging the unhelpful thoughts that make them uncomfortable with compliments.

Self-love meditation video (8 minutes) from author, certified breathwork coach, and Restorative Writing teacher Alex Elle. This meditation can be done before the warm-up activity or after the activity as a part of the reflection process.

Video (21 minutes) from writer and researcher Brene Brown at TEDx on the power of vulnerability and its importance in human connection. This video can assist you as a facilitator in sharing the importance of this session and communicating that with youth or stakeholders.