Struggling with launching the DO YOU program? Want to talk to someone about how to gain access to schools or how to implement a community needs and resources assessment?
Reach out to the Action Alliance Prevention Team for ongoing questions, technical assistance, coaching, and pointers for program success:
On-site and remote technical assistance.
Ongoing training and professional development opportunities for preventionists.
Prevention resource tips, guides, and materials found here.
Raelyn Williams, Youth Resilience Manager
Focus areas include: DO YOU program, youth organizing, youth justice, curricula development, anti-oppression and social justice.
Kristen Pritchard, Prevention and Health Promotion Director
Focus areas include: Rape Prevention & Education programming (RPE), sexual & reproductive health and justice, healthy sexuality.
Dawn Brooks, Youth Justice Coordinator
Focus areas include: Healthy sexuality, DO YOU program, program development, racial and youth justice, community-level prevention strategies
The DO YOU & DO SOMETHING Toolkit was funded with a contract from the Domestic Violence Prevention and Services Grant # CVS-16-056-XX, (or CVS-15-073-XX) awarded by the Virginia Department of Social Services.